

  • An x86_64 linux platform with docker installed.

  • KVM virtualization support must be enabled when running an image for the x86_64 architecture. KVM is used by the Android emulator (based on QEMU) and enables virtualization at nearly native speeds.

    KVM virtualization is usually provided through packages by the linux distribution. It may also be necessary to enable virtualization by updating the BIOS.

  • The download size of the abifa:r19-24-x86_64-master image from the Docker hub is about 2 GB (downloaded only once, the first time the image is used) and the size of the image itself is 9 GB. The writable layer of the container that is run from this image is 2.4 GB when the emulator has been started and python installed on the emulator. So the minimum size required to run abifa using docker is 11.4 GB.

abifa containers

Run buildbottest

The buildbottest target of the cpython Makefile is run when the abifa image is run as a container without a COMMAND command line argument:

$ docker run -it --privileged xdegaye/abifa:r19-24-x86_64-master

This command processes the following tasks:

  • pull the abifa:r19-24-x86_64-master image from the Docker hub and start the container
  • pull the latest changes from the GitHub cpython repository
  • cross-compile python and create a distribution
  • start the emulator and install the distribution on the emulator
  • run the buildbottest target of the cpython Makefile
  • stop the container

The --privileged option is necessary here to enable KVM virtualization when running the emulator for the x86_64 architecture and not needed for the other architectures (armv7, arm64).

Run bash

A bash shell in the container is run when the abifa image is run with the bash COMMAND command line argument:

$ docker run -it --privileged xdegaye/abifa:r19-24-x86_64-master bash

One enters a bash shell on ubuntu-bionic in the container as user pydev, in the HOME directory of this user and with everything setup and ready to run the Build targets:

  • Android NDK and SDK installed
  • abifa Makefile created
  • native python built
  • external libraries cross-compiled
  • AVD created
  • cpython and abifa repositories cloned as shallow clones (at the time of the abifa image creation)

The first target to be run in this shell must be the install target (see Build targets for the description of all the targets) with the following command run in pydev HOME:

pydev@<container id>:~$ make install

The container stops when you exit the bash shell. It can be re-started later with the command:

$ docker start -i <container id>

Develop python

Use a bind mount to debug and fix issues in python and, instead of using the GitLab cpython shallow repository built into the image, use a local repository.

Here is an example with a readonly bind mount of a local repository located at PYTHON_SRC_PATH:

$ docker run -it --privileged \
    --mount type=bind,source=$PYTHON_SRC_PATH,target=/home/pydev/cpython,readonly \

The python source tree must be clean as for all builds of python made out of the source tree. So if this is not the case, run make -C $PYTHON_SRC_PATH clean on the host before running make install in the container.

abifa images

The name of an abifa tag follows this convention:

<NDK version>-<API level>-<architecture>-<cpython branch>

Instead of using one of the images from the Docker hub, one can build the same image from the Dockerfile at abifa GitLab repository with the command:

$ docker build --tag=abifa:r19-24-x86_64-master \

Configure the build

The Dockerfile uses ARG directives to allow building different images. For example a new image can be built for a different API level (here API 21) with:

$ docker build --tag=abifa:r19-21-x86_64-master --build-arg ANDROID_API=21

Or the arm64 image can be built with:

$ docker build --tag=abifa:r19-24-arm64-master
    --build-arg ANDROID_ARCH=arm64 --build-arg APP_ABI=arm64-v8a